•   08/29/2022 10:41 AM

Over the course of the next two weeks, we will be upgrading our control panel software to a newer version which supports a lot more functionality that will allow your websites to scale exponentially.  We have tested the upgrade extensively and all services will be the same.  You will still access your control panel on ports 2083 and 2087, and webmail links will also be the same as well.  The only differences are a look and feel change which is the newer technology stack we have been designing and working on for the better part of 8-9 months.  We will eventually introduce high availability clusters into the mix, offsite backup solutions and more and this upgrade will allow us to do so easily.  There should be little to no impact seen by you, just everything is done on the backend of things.  There is nothing that you will have to do in order to receive this upgrade, we will handle it all for you.


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